Mummy Lauretta

A family and lifestyle blog by a Mum to identical bilingual twin boys
English Twins

The Siblings Project {April 17}

The last four weeks have been eventful.  Ethan had yet another chest infection but at least he didn’t have to stay in hospital this time and only missed two days of school.  He managed to complete the last week of term and received a certificate for his writing on the last day.  I went to the Premier Assembly and is was so nice to see all the children getting up and being given recognition for their hard work that half term.

On the last day of term Oliver came home with a temperature and we noticed one or two spots on his skin. I had a feeling straight away it was Chicken Pox and I was right.  He had it quite bad, spots everywhere after the second day, even on his scalp.  We covered him in calamine lotion, aloe vera, did baths with oats and bicarbonate of soda.  On day four he finally no longer had a temperature and the spots looked like they were slowly drying out.

Today as I write this Ethan has just started with the Pox, he’s had a slight temperature but other than that has been ok.  He has about the same amount of spots as Oliver had but is coping really well and we’re keeping the itching at bay with calamine and Piriton.  Oliver still shows some signs as some of his bigger scabs have not come off yet but he’s back to his normal crazy energetic self!

It’s safe to say this first school year has been hard, testing us emotionally in terms of illnesses. Ethan will now have to miss another few days of school as the boys are due to go back on Tuesday.  At least Matteo’s parents are here so we don’t have to worry about childcare for the first two days and then if we need him on Thursday when they go home, my Dad will come over and stay with Ethan.

The worst bit of this month has been not being able to go out more with the boys during their school holiday although in a way it’s good that Oliver didn’t have to miss any school and I feel we have had a proper rest.

These photos were taken on the 4th of this month, day 4 of Oliver’s Pox.  He stayed in his pyjamas all day that day and the day after.  He just wanted to be comfy.

Here’s hoping that’s it now for illness this year but we’ve said it before and look what’s been thrown at us, I just want them to have a great Spring term and enjoy their last weeks as the littlest ones in school.

Have a look back at March’s photos here, February’s photos here and January’s photos here.

The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful
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