Carrot Cake Baked Oats

Baked oats might be my new obsession. It’s been a way to combine my love for cake and a healthy nutritious breakfast based on oats. I mean, who doesn’t want to eat carrot cake for breakfast? I’ve been topping this with a vegan caramel yogurt, almond butter and a drizzle of maple syrup – heaven! It’s been a hit with the kids too, so win win!

Magic Bag

Reducing Food Waste with Too Good To Go

With the cost of living rising and the price of food, bills and fuel soaring, we can all try to do our best at budgeting and living as economically as possible. If that’s by meal planning, trying to use our cars less or by turning down the heating by half a degree, it all helps the budget. One of my bugbears is food waste as we are all guilty of buying too much of something or forgetting about something in the back of the fridge and then having to throw it away.

Vegan Spring- How to keep Veganuary going – Guest Post by Helen Long

If you enjoyed Veganuary, why stop the fun now?  You’ve probably got the hang of everyday eating, so here are some more lifestyle things to think about in Spring…   Being vegan- a holistic lifestyle When your old animal products break or run out, you can replace them with vegan versions.  Vegan Family Guide explains how […]

Vegan Sausage Pasta

Vegan Sausage Pasta with Richmond

If you’re looking for vegan comfort food, you’ve found the right recipe! This tomato and sausage pasta dish really satisfies my cravings for spaghetti with meatballs or Sardinian pasta shells with sausage ragu. Perfect for meat-free Monday or a totally vegan meal plan.

Banana & Chocolate Bread

Banana & Chocolate Bread

Cake is my guilty pleasure, especially ones with chocolate in.  Emma Donogue said “If I was made of cake I’d eat myself before somebody else could” which I think could be quite true of myself! I love to feed my sweet tooth and so I love making things like brownies or blondies but I also love loaf cakes like my ginger loaf or a lemon drizzle.  I remember my mum making banana bread and me eating it with butter spread on.  I tend to try and go for healthy treats these days but that doesn’t mean I don’t have an extra thick slice.

Creamy Red Pesto Gnocchi

Creamy Red Pesto Gnocchi (Vegan)

This recipe came about from looking for a new and quick pasta sauce recipe to try during Veganuary and experimenting with different ingredients. The first time I made it, I put toasted pine nuts on to garnish and it tasted great.  Blending them in and adding the cream cheese has made this pesto even more delicious. It’s super quick and easy to make. You can have a meal on the table in ten minutes tops, which is so good for when you’re tired and don’t want to stand in the kitchen for hours on an evening.

Healthy Snacks For A Road Trip With Kids – Guest Post by The Nut Butter Hub

Healthy Snacks For A Road Trip With Kids – Guest Post

When we’re heading off a long trip with our kids, snacks are an essential item! Unfortunately, convenient snacks for kids are often pretty unhealthy not to mention expensive. Keeping our small kids occupied in the back seat can be challenging at the best of times, without constant cries of “I’m hungry!” resonating around the car (which can drive anyone crazy!).

We found that they are loads of healthy snack ideas out there, but so many of them have the capacity to create a huge mess in the back of our car. If you’re looking at ways to save a money on snacks, keep the car relatively clean and keep your kids as healthy as possible, take a look at our yummy ideas.

Smoked Fish Curry

Smoked Fish Curry

I always thought I didn’t like curry, I thought they were too spicy and I was really unsure of the ingredients but over the past couple of years I developed a taste for them. I especially love fragrant and creamy curries and I still don’t like too much heat.  This recipe is inspired by a Gousto box recipe we tried a few weeks ago and Jamie Oliver’s comfort food tikka masala. I mixed up the ingredients and it turned out so tasty!

The Best Spaghetti & Meatballs with Spice-N-Tice

I’m really passionate about home cooking and making nutritious meals from scratch but being a super busy working Mum, I’m also a massive fan of a shortcut if it’s done with good quality ingredients and no artificial stuff.  I want to know where things come from and I want my boys to learn about good food.  I  want them to be enthusiastic about food and learn that real cooking doesn’t have to take all day and that anyone can do it.  You may know by now that I love comfort food and I think spaghetti and meatballs along with lasagna are Italy’s ultimate comfort foods. This recipe is a family favourite that I have reinvented using Spice N Tice’s Italian Meatball Marinara Seasoning Kit.

Cottage Pie with Three Root Mash

Spring is officially here now but what with all this cold weather and snow in recent weeks I’m still craving comfort food.  I want warm dinners with meat and two veg and to light a candle on a cold evening and then snuggle up on the sofa feeling full and content!  This cottage pie is so good, you’ll be going back for second helpings.