I think I’m still in denial that May and half-term are actually over, more than a week down the line I still pining over our sunny days spent mostly outside, not worrying about school, work and stressing over bedtime. Watching the video back that I’ve made, the boys just look like they spent May running and eating, typical boys with so much energy!
May was lovely because it felt like we had some proper quality time together, enjoying some really good food and the outdoors. You can watch our video and see our photo highlights below:
Our May consisted of:
Car shopping
A carvery and ice cream sundae
Bouncing and bike riding at big park
(Great) Grandma’s 90th birthday meal
Blog OnX
Collective Worship at school (Oliver had a line to say)
A family breakfast at The Crimson Tree
Mine & Matteo’s birthdays
Half Term trips to:
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Smiggle & Doughnotts
I’m linking up with the gorgeous Mel from Le Coin de Mel.
Head over to her blog to find out what she and her children got up to in May.
To look back at April’s post click here.
Thank you for reading x

Running and eating… they’re living the life!
Happy birthday to your grandma! I remember my great grandma’s 90th birthday ?
The photos of the boys in the rapeseed fields are so lovely. I find the smell of rapeseed really addictive! I love it when it flowers near my village in France.
[…] To look back at May’s post click here. […]
[…] To look back at May’s post click here. […]