So just like that we’re into May already! The boys were in Italy for their Easter Holiday the first two weeks of April and the last two weeks have flown by because we have been back to school runs and normal routine. If you read my Siblings Project post for April you’ll know that it was tough for us being apart for so long even though we knew the boys were having a great time and were well looked after. It was amazing to be reunited though and to have them back home.
This Sunday we had some well needed family time together as last Sunday I was working. In February half-term, the boys and I had visited Hodsock Priory near Worksop to see the Snowdrops and I had put it on the calendar that the Bluebells would be out this weekend and next weekend so as the weather was dry we headed up there for a walk in the wood.
This month Matteo has been loving re-watching Peep Show episodes, seeing a childhood friend from Italy, having a lie in when the boys were away and eating takeaway fish and chips!
I have been loving getting some decorating done, lie ins and feeling rested, surviving a plane journey by myself, Italian hot chocolate, extra big cuddles with my boys, hospital on BBC2, spring sunshine and getting back into swimming.
The boys have been loving their Italian adventure, seeing Mummy and Daddy again, getting back to school and playing with their friends, getting a new belt at karate, building new lego, chocolate milkshakes, tortellini and a school trip.
Thank you for reading. You can catch up on our March adventures here and here.

[…] look back on last month’s adventures click here & […]