On cultural differences & Parenting – Guest Post By Kalanit Ben-Ari, Ph.D.

It is difficult to categorise an accurate profile for those who choose a partner from a foreign culture. Yet, they are usually people who are not very connected to their own culture or who give it less importance. They could be seen as more exploratory or romantic people who see differences in culture as an adventure that make the experience more interesting and exciting. Many of them are rebels, who consciously or not, marry in protest or to distance themselves from their own culture, values, or family – or those who grew up in an international environment and it is natural for them to choose someone from another culture.

jan 18

Me & Mine Project {January 18}

January has been really tiring. We’ve been so busy and there has been so much going on I feel like we haven’t had much proper family time.  We’ve spent a lot of time at home but similarly it feels like we’ve spent a lot of time running around to work, school, after-school activities, parties and more. I can’t wait for the weather to be better so that we can go to the park and I won’t want to leave after about twenty minutes because I’m freezing and I can’t feel my feet or nose anymore!

Snapshots & Scenes from January 2018

   January has been so busy for us what with back to school routine, me teaching over two weekends and one evening, Matteo having his tonsils out and the boys having a great social life and going to two birthday parties.  I’ve craved time at home in the warmth and comfort food.

Snapshots & Scenes from December 2017

What a busy month December was.  It was packed with stuff and just went so fast. I am loving putting together these monthly posts and videos looking back at the past month. I hope the boys will look back on them in years to come especially this one when Christmas was so magical.

Me & Mine Project {December 17}

Goodbye 2017, you’ve been good to us. This year I set a goal to take more family photos. I’d bought a new camera in the January sales and wanted to capture more images of the four of us together and I’m so pleased to say I’ve done it; at least one photo a month for a whole year. 

Abbruzzo holiday

My Italian Connection {Dolce Vita Bloggers}

So when did my connection to Italy begin? Most people think it began when I met Matteo in 2003 but actually it was quite a bit before that.  My first taste of Italy was as a teenager.  We stayed in Sorrento and visited Pompei and Capri.  Something about the people, the food and the language must have drawn me in as while I was doing my A levels I started teaching myself some language basics using an audio course.

Snapshots & Scenes from November 2017

I’ve loved putting this month’s video together and I have to say it’s my favourite video so far with some wonderful memories to look back on like going to Clip ‘n Climb for the first time and singing Happy Birthday, plus I got some everyday moments documented like bedtime stories and getting ready for football.  We finished off the month with some Christmas magic, twinkly lights and meeting Santa. Click below to watch:

Me & Mine Project {November 17}

For the boy’s birthday we decided to go to Clip ‘n Climb Nottingham.  They really enjoyed it although it took Oliver a while to get his confidence up to let go and drop down.  Matteo wants to have a go if we go again.  We then went for a pub meal with my Mum & Dad and my brother and his girlfriend and then back home for tea and chocolate birthday cake.  The day of their birthday was a Monday so the boys were at school but they enjoyed being sung to and took raisins in for all their classmates.

Pass The Pigs Game **Giveaway**

You’ll be snorting with laughter if you play with these piggy games for Christmas. The original party animals, Pass the Pigs, use hilarious pigs for dice. Will you roll a sider or start makin’ bacon? Having fun with friends, on the road entertainment, or just chilling out – the game is on for every pig in the parlour!

Fantastic fun for the whole family, Pass the Pigs is so easy to play. Simply throw the 2 piggies up in the air and see how they land. Compare the pigs landing positions with your scorecard and earn points, the first to 100 wins.