January has been so busy for us what with back to school routine, me teaching over two weekends and one evening, Matteo having his tonsils out and the boys having a great social life and going to two birthday parties. I’ve craved time at home in the warmth and comfort food.
Here are our first Snapshots and Scenes of 2018:

Have a watch of our video with highlights of our month:
January has been about:
Trips to the park
New Years dinner at Nana & Grandad’s
Playing dress up
Quiet days at home
New trainers
Back to school routine, swimming & karate
Friend’s birthday parties
Starting a photography online editing course
A tonsillectomy
My 3rd and last Hep B jab for work

Linking up with Kerri-Ann, Hayley, Jenny, Amber, Sara-Jayne, Maria, Mel & Chloe.
Head over to their blogs to find out what they all got up to in January.
Thank you for reading x
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Oh it sounds like you have had such a great January we have all been plagued with cold after cold, storm after storm with no chance to get out to the park. Hoping this weekend is nicer to make up for it. Love the video and photos. Thanks for linking up too! The boys look like they had an adventurous month. #snapshotsscenes
Matteo’s tonsillectomy doesn’t sound like fun, but apart from that, January looks like a good month for the 4 of you 🙂 Love the back of those trainers! We’ve had lots of trips to the park too xx Thanks for joining in with #SnapshotsandScenes
January looked fun and busy for you all! Your little one dressed as Harry Potter is so adorable! Popping over from Snapshots and Scenes linky xx
Oh crikey the tonsillectomy sounds blooming awful, I hope all is well now. Other than that January sounds fun and I love the love for HP