Mummy Lauretta

A family and lifestyle blog by a Mum to identical bilingual twin boys
English Twins

The Siblings Project {February 18}

It doesn’t seem like five minutes since I was writing January’s Siblings post and here we are in the middle of February.  I hate wishing the time away but is it Spring yet?  The last four weeks have been about school routine, quick trips to the park, two birthday parties and family time at home with Daddy recovering from having his tonsils out.

Siblings Project Feb 18 blog

This weekend just gone we hardly did anything apart from go to get the boys some new passport photos.  Their passports are due for renewal in April and they are going to Italy for Easter.  Oliver wasn’t very well as he was complaining of ear ache and had a temperature so we stayed warm and did reading, played games and watched TV. On Sunday they had a lazy day with Daddy while I was at work.

Siblings Project Feb 18

This week we are on countdown to half term. We had a lovely pancake day dinner on Tuesday after swimming.  To show you how different these two are, Ethan had his with salami and spinach, then smoked salmon and then orange juice and sugar and some blueberries while Oliver had spinach, courgette and cheese and then Nutella, strawberries and raspberries. I love that they have their own preferences and will choose different things confidently now compared to before they started school when Oliver wouldn’t make any decision without knowing what Ethan had chosen.

Siblings Project Feb 18

This morning I went to Premier assembly at school where the boys both got a certificate from their PE teacher. Definitely a proud mummy moment!  Tonight we have parent’s evening so I’m hoping for confirmation that they’re still doing really well.

Siblings Project Feb 18

These are the silly faces you get when you ask them to pose for some photos!  I took these last night (Valentine’s Day) just before they went to bed. They may drive me crazy sometimes but oh my I love them so much!

Siblings Project Feb 18Siblings Project Feb 18

Siblings Project Feb 18

You can see our January post here.
Thank you for reading x
Siblings Project Feb 18 Pin
The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful
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6 years ago

They look like cheeky boys! I’m sorry to hear your husband has been unwell, I hope he recovers quickly.