Taking Simbrix on Holiday

Taking Simbrix on Holiday

What do you do to keep your children occupied on holiday when you want some quiet time after lunch and they’re too old to nap?  When it’s raining and you’re stuck inside for the day or when it’s the middle of the day and too hot to be in the sun?  Do you take toys, colouring, books to read, watch TV or try to stop them jumping off the sofa and using the bed like a trampoline in my case?!

Our favourite Italian recipe - Ragu or Carbonara?

Our Favourite Italian Recipe – Ragu or Carbonara? {Dolce Vita Bloggers}

We get through so much pasta on a weekly basis in our house. Pesto is our favourite for a quick family meal on a school night but when we have people round for dinner we always do one of the same two recipes.  One is a Classic Ragu Bolognese from The Chiappa Sister’s book “Simply Italian” and the other is a Courgette Carbonara from Jamie Oliver’s book “Jamie at Home”.  I’ve made these over and over again over the past few years and we never get tired of them so why not have a go and let me know which one you prefer?

Tips to Get Your Little One A Perfect Night of Sleep

Five Tips to Get Your Little One A Perfect Night of Sleep

Unless you were blessed with a child who just magically drifts off to sleep each night, you have likely asked the question, “How do I get my child to sleep at night?”

Most parents do.

In fact, sleep is one of the most common concerns parents have for their children, and it can be a tricky issue to sort out. If you’re one of the many parents struggling to get more sleep – for you and your child – this quick guide will help your family tremendously.

Snapshots & Scenes from August 18

 Oh August, the boys have loved you so much! What a wonderful time they had in Italy. 25 days in total and I got to share seven there with them.  I was not ready to come back home at all!  I’m always a bit sad at the beginning of September because it means that summer is coming to an end but there are lots of lovely things to remember. We spent a lot of time apart this month but I’m happy the boys have had such a great experience and their Italian has definitely improved. 

Snapshots & Scenes from July 18

I’m so late publishing this post this month. The first half of August seems to have disappeared in minutes and with the boys being away I’ve been a bit distracted and this post has gotten delayed which is a shame as I love putting together these rounds ups of our photos and creating a little video each month.  Our main highlight of July was our weekend away in Bridlington where we had amazing weather and so much fun by the sea.  We also celebrated the milestone of the boys finishing Year 1.

Siblings Project August 18

The Siblings Project {August 18}

What a great four weeks these two have had!  From finishing school to starting this year’s Italian Summer adventure.  And who better to do it with than your brother (“bruther” as Ethan wrote on the last piece of school work he brought home!), your best friend, partner in crime? I took this month’s photos at […]

Me & Mine July 18

Me & Mine Project (July 18)

We made it to the school holidays and through the heatwave!  July has been another busy month broken up by our mini family break to Bridlington. The boys broke up from school and have spent a few days with me, a few days with my parents and a few days with Matteo’s parents. Thank you […]

Snapshots & Scenes from June 18

 June was a really lovely month for us. I felt like we spent a lot of time outside and it has been good for the boys to be out in the garden instead of being on the tablet or watching tv. We’ve eaten outside, read books outside, played tennis, badminton and frisbee.  I think the highlight of the month for me was Ethan losing his first tooth. It felt like such a milestone and he already has the big one growing behind.

Me & Mine Project {June 18}

June has gone by in a blur of school runs, swimming lessons, karate, football practice, work. We’ve had some fantastic weather and are in the middle of a heat wave at the moment.  I love the warm weather but on the other hand, if you’ve followed my Instagram or Facebook page, you’ll know that we’ve been having a tough time getting the boys to settle down to sleep at night.

Snapshots & Scenes from May 18

I think I’m still in denial that May and half-term are actually over, more than a week down the line I still pining over our sunny days spent mostly outside, not worrying about school, work and stressing over bedtime.  Watching the video back that I’ve made, the boys just look like they spent May running […]