What a great four weeks these two have had! From finishing school to starting this year’s Italian Summer adventure. And who better to do it with than your brother (“bruther” as Ethan wrote on the last piece of school work he brought home!), your best friend, partner in crime?
I took this month’s photos at the airport just before we said goodbye and they went to get the flight to Italy with their Grandparents. I think it’s definitely harder on us staying behind. The house is so empty and quiet. I miss them so much but I’m happy knowing they are happy to leave us. They never get upset, I’m so proud that they are independent and have confidence to go off and do things without me and M.
Before they went to Italy, they went to my parents for two days. They had a great time hiring bikes in Derbyshire. In Italy so far they have been hanging out in the village, helping Nonni in the garden, playing football on the big pitch, going out for pizza and yesterday they were lucky enough to be taken out on the lake on a boat. The lady commented on how polite and nice the boys are. On Tuesday they’re heading down to the coast for a week at the beach where I will meet them and bring them home.
Our hope is that the will come back as happy as they left but also with their Italian improved and some great stories to tell their friends. I can’t wait to see them next week 🙂
To look back on July’s photos click here.
Thank you for reading x

[…] only seems like a moment since I was writing August’s Siblings Post. The boys were away having an amazing time in Italy and I was looking forward to having a week at […]