Mummy Lauretta

A family and lifestyle blog by a Mum to identical bilingual twin boys
English Twins

The Siblings Project {August 17}

We’re right in the middle of the summer holidays. I can’t believe how fast the first three weeks have gone and just like that I’ve waved the boys off at the airport today to spend the rest of their holidays in Italy.  They were so excited, Oliver was a bit more cuddly early this morning but absolutely fine when they left. I hope they will both be ok when Daddy comes home in a few days.  I’m more than ready to go and join them at the end of the month for a proper holiday!

The boys are so opinionated about their clothes now. I’m so glad they still love their rainbow colours. They had fun choosing all their t-shirts, shorts, pants and socks to put in their suitcases. Their backpacks are full of toys both cuddly and plastic!  I know they will have loads of fun with Nonni and Zia.

We’ve definitely enjoyed the summer so far. There have been play dates at friend’s houses, hours at various parks, film nights, a morning at gymnastics, two days at school holiday club, a full week at YMCA Camp and days out with Nana and Grandad including two epic bike rides. The boys are already brown before they even go away, they’ve had so much fresh air and exercise!

I think the most amazing thing about being siblings is that they always have each other. I think that’s one of the reasons they cope so well when they go to new places like camp.  They’re such good friends, great play mates. I was watching them at the park at the weekend and a lady commented on how lovely it was that they were playing so well together.  I’m so proud to get comments like that and to know that they are such happy boys.

That’s all for this month. This time next month the holidays will be over and we’ll be back into school routine, hopefully looking back with smiles at a brilliant summer.

To have a look back at July’s photos please click here.


The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful
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[…] Take a look back at August’s photos which I took at the airport here. […]