Me & Mine Project {June 17}

We started the month off with a trip to Legoland.  It was the last few days of half term and our first visit to Legoland.  The weather was perfect and the boys were super excited. We had a wonderful time.  Our main photo this month is from our second day going into the park and as you can see the weather was amazing.  It was great to spend some time away just the four of us and we had some brilliant quality family time.  The photo below is from the first day when we first went on the new Ninjago ride.  We bought this as a moment but I wish we’d waited until the second day as we went on again and I won and now have no evidence of that fact!! Anyway it was great fun and the boys are already planning our next trip!

Me & Mine Project {May 17}

May has been busy and we’ve had some lovely weather the last two weeks or so (apart from Bank Holiday Monday of course!). I’ve taught an antenatal course plus a breastfeeding session, Matteo’s started a football coaching course and we’ve had another hospital appointment for Ethan.  This time to see a plastic surgeon about removing the raised mole on his cheek.  We now have a date booked in for a quick day surgery.

Me & Mine Project {April 17}

Matteo’s parents also came over and stayed with us for twelve days.  They helped us a bit round the house and in the garden and looked after the boys when we were at work. His Mum also cleared my ironing pile which I am so grateful for!!

One day we picked Matteo up from work and went for a drink and a cake at a local garden centre all together.  You can see my Instagram photo of the men of the family here.  

twins dating scan

It’s Twins! The Story of our 12 Week Scan

I’d wanted to have a baby for quite a while and we were incredibly lucky that we got pregnant within three months of starting trying.  The first few weeks were pretty easy in that i did’t really have any pregnancy symptoms. It was from around 8 weeks pregnant when I started to suffer with nausea.  It was constant, 24 hours a day for probably the next 8 weeks solid, although I never threw up once.  As long as I kept eating little and often I could manage to control it.  I remember being at work and secretly eating ginger biscuits at my desk to try to combat it.  I also remember having to get up in the middle of the night to sit on the sofa and eat a flapjack because I just felt so sick and hungry at the same time!

Me & Mine Project {March 17}

 I am so glad to have a little bit warmer weather.  Oliver asked to grow some strawberries this year and as the plants we have in the garden have been in for two years I let him pick some new ones at the garden centre this weekend as well as some vegetable seeds. He wants to have a go at growing carrots.  He was so excited to buy Italian seeds!  My spring bulbs are coming up in the garden and the flowers are blooming.  I can’t wait until April when the red tulips come out in the front garden so everything has a bit more colour.

Me & Mine Project {February 17}

This month has had its ups and downs, from a lovely half term week, to the washing machine breaking and another hospital stay for Ethan, albeit a lot shorter this time (only one night).  Our photos this month are a bit last minute and are not the best quality as the light wasn’t great on Sunday but I think we still got a few nice shots thanks to my Mum. 

Me & Mine Project {January 17}

It’s been a cold and dark month and we haven’t actually had much time to spend together as a family.  The first two weekends I was teaching and then the third Saturday I went on a study day so on Sunday we made an effort to get out the house for half an hour and go for a walk together to get some fresh air, even if it was absolutely freezing.  I took my tripod and new camera and was determined to figure out the self-timer setting.  I only got two good shots but I LOVE them.  I can’t believe we’re actually all smiling!  We went straight home after this as we really were getting cold.