As well as doing the Siblings Project monthly photos of our boys, one of my other aims for this year is to take more photos of the four of us together so I’m joining in with the Me & Mine Project for the first time this month. It’s so difficult to get family photos unless it’s some specific special occasion I think so I’m really going to make an effort to get more of these images of us, and can’t wait to see our image library grow full of memories.

It’s been a cold and dark month and we haven’t actually had much time to spend together as a family. The first two weekends I was teaching and then the third Saturday I went on a study day so on Sunday we made an effort to get out the house for half an hour and go for a walk together to get some fresh air, even if it was absolutely freezing. I took my tripod and new camera and was determined to figure out the self-timer setting. I only got two good shots but I LOVE them. I can’t believe we’re actually all smiling! We went straight home after this as we really were getting cold.

This weekend just gone we went to the boy’s karate grading on Saturday afternoon and to my Mum & Dad’s for lunch on Sunday and apart from that it’s been a really quiet one. We’ve watched a bit of TV, played on the tablet and built lego.
To show how scarce an event this is I thought I’d also share some past family shots:
This is us on our holiday in Italy last June

Cyprus 2015

Christmas 2014

Summer 2014

As with the Siblings project I’m linking up again with Lucy from Dear Beautiful so make sure you head over to her site to have a look what her family have been up to this month.

[…] To look back at our photos from January please click here. […]