Mummy Lauretta

A family and lifestyle blog by a Mum to identical bilingual twin boys
English Family

Me & Mine Project {February 17}

I always feel better as we come towards the end of February, we’ve just about got through the dark months of winter and Spring is in sight.  The Spring bulbs in our front garden started to poke through the soil and the last week has seen much milder weather.  I don’t mind February too much, it always goes quite quickly and there is no council tax or water bill to pay!

This month has had its ups and downs, from a lovely half term week, to the washing machine breaking and another hospital stay for Ethan, albeit a lot shorter this time (only one night).  Our photos this month are a bit last minute and are not the best quality as the light wasn’t great on Sunday but I think we still got a few nice shots thanks to my Mum.

On Sunday the boys went to church with Matteo.  When they came back we had a slow, lazy lunch and the boys had a play on Sonic on the playstation which is a weekend treat for them. We then drove over to my Mum and Dad’s to pick up the three bags of washing that my Mum had helped with this week.  We picked up my Mum and went to the park for half an hour and then went back tot he house for a cup of tea and a sit down before we went home for bath, dinner and bed.  

  This month the boys discovered the game “Talking Tom Gold Run”.  Somehow they managed to download it onto my Mum’s iPad in half term and stupidly when they came home I downloaded it on our iPad and the boy’s tablet.  It’s really addictive and I’ve been struggling to stop them from playing on it every free moment.  I’m hoping that they will get bored of it soon and move on to something else.  They’ve also been watching a lot of Power Rangers on DVD.  This last week has been good to get properly back into routine with the boys going back to swimming and karate (where they were awarded their orange belts) and hopefully next weekend, back to football.

To look back at our photos from January please click here.

The Me + Mine Project - Dear Beautiful
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[…] can look back at our photos from February here and January […]