Creamy Red Pesto Gnocchi

Creamy Red Pesto Gnocchi (Vegan)

This recipe came about from looking for a new and quick pasta sauce recipe to try during Veganuary and experimenting with different ingredients. The first time I made it, I put toasted pine nuts on to garnish and it tasted great.  Blending them in and adding the cream cheese has made this pesto even more delicious. It’s super quick and easy to make. You can have a meal on the table in ten minutes tops, which is so good for when you’re tired and don’t want to stand in the kitchen for hours on an evening.

My Eating For Health Food Diary – Week 1

Recently I’ve been feeling sluggish, more tired than usual, irritable, struggling to get back into routine after our holiday and lacking in motivation to do the things I love, blogging, dance, swimming, reading. The pain in my knees that was basically non-existent has come creeping back to the point where I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I have been feeling like an old decrepit person who struggles to get up if they sit on the floor. 

Smoked Fish Curry

Smoked Fish Curry

I always thought I didn’t like curry, I thought they were too spicy and I was really unsure of the ingredients but over the past couple of years I developed a taste for them. I especially love fragrant and creamy curries and I still don’t like too much heat.  This recipe is inspired by a Gousto box recipe we tried a few weeks ago and Jamie Oliver’s comfort food tikka masala. I mixed up the ingredients and it turned out so tasty!

Lentil Ragu

Lentil Ragu – 3 Meal Ideas

This recipe serves two adults and two children as an accompaniment to pasta for one meal with at least three portions left over for other meals. I served this with brown rice spaghetti to make it a gluten-free vegan meal but you can use normal wheat pasta.

I used nutritional yeast to give the sauce more flavour, if you don’t have this and are not avoiding dairy or dairy intolerant you can stir in some parmesan cheese before serving.

Sausage & Cannellini Bean Casserole

This recipe serves 2 adults and 2 small children but makes lots of sauce so if making for more people you can increase the number of sausages you put in. If making for 4 like us and you don’t want to serve all the sauce for dinner you can save some and have some with pasta for lunch or dinner the next day.

Tuna & Beans Salad

Tuna & Bean Salad

This recipe serves 2 adults and 2 small children as part of a buffet lunch.  We like to eat it with grilled halloumi cheese, sautéed spinach and salad potatoes.  It tastes great served straight away but even better when it’s been left for a few hours or even eaten the next day.

Beef Tacos

Beef Tacos

You do need a bit of time to make the sauce as it tastes better when the meat has been cooked for a few hours and so breaks down.  If you don’t have time in an afternoon to keep checking on it in a pan, you could try making it in a morning and leaving in the slow cooker on a low setting all day.

Stuffed courgettes

Stuffed Courgettes

We’re having a bumper crop of courgettes at the minute thanks to some amazing sunny weather and lots of rain too. I’ve also had two rather large marrows because I missed them underneath all the huge leaves and didn’t go down to the vegetable patch for two days because of the rain.  I came up with this recipe and it worked really well, Oliver asked me as soon as he’d finished when i could make it again so I consider that a win!

Teriyaki salmon

Teriyaki Salmon

My boys love this. We’re big fans of fish in this house and eat it at least twice a week.  Salmon and tuna are our favourites. This recipe is so simple. I like to make it at lunch time so it can marinade in the fridge for a few hours.  You can eat this with a stir fry with noddles or rice or why not try it with potatoes and green veg.

Lentil & quinoa salad

Lentil & Quinoa Salad

This is a really summery salad.  I love to make it for a summer’s evening barbecue or have it for a work lunch.  I eat it with a big spoon of houmous and beetroot salad.  It would also go great with some warm green veg such as green beans, spinach or tender stem broccoli.