*This post was originally published on my old site on March 4th, 2017*
On Sunday we were going to my Mum and Dad’s to pick up some washing my Mum had done for us when our washing machine had broken the week before. The boys wanted to go to the park, so even though they fell asleep in the car on the way there and it was really cloudy and dull and a bit windy we called my Mum to ask if her and my Dad wanted to come for half an hour.
My Dad stayed at home watching the rugby, also because he’s having a problem with his ears at the moment which means his hearing is even worse than usual even with his hearing aids in. The boys had been to this park twice before with Nana and Grandad but it was mine and Matteo’s first time there. It was nice to have some fresh air as we hadn’t been out of the house the day before. Ethan & Oliver were in their element running up and down and going on everything. Their favourite has to be the zip wire. In some parks they have to be lifted up to get on but here they can do it all themselves. They loved zooming down and running back to have another go. After half an hour of watching them running off some energy and us adults only really walking a little bit and pushing them on the roundabout and swing, we started to get a bit cold and so we headed back for a cup of tea to warm up.
Here are some more photos of our trip to the park: