Mummy Lauretta

A family and lifestyle blog by a Mum to identical bilingual twin boys
Raspberry porridge

Raspberry & Vanilla Overnight Oats

I never liked porridge until about six months ago when I started trying to eat healthier and went in search of recipes to help me do it. When I found Deliciously Ella’s baked porridge I was hooked. Not only did I now like porridge but I found a way to make it without loads of refined […]

Twins start school

Ethan & Oliver Start School September 2016

When I posted the boys first day of school photo on Instagram/Facebook I said it was the day that I had been avoiding thinking about, in fact I was quite in denial about the whole thing.  Well not totally because I had bought their uniform and I knew it was going to come around.  I just really wasn’t ready, even if the boys had been ready for quite a while.  Actually they had been asking me for a whole year if they had finished nursery yet since some of their friends went to school in September 2015. 

Coping Out & About with Twins in the Early Years

Having twins or multiples really is a unique experience.  This post is about finding my confidence as a new mum and feeling judged by others. So what is it like for me being a mum of twins and coping with going to the supermarket or for a tea and cake in town?  The most notable thing for me is the attention you get or should I say, the twins get.  People are so interested, which is great but sometimes it can be overwhelming when you’re trying to cope with two babies/toddlers/pre-schoolers, you just want to be left alone to get on with it and not be met with people’s constant need to ask questions or to make comments.  

Natural Beauty Products – My Favourites

I’ve been using natural beauty products for a few years now, probably since the boys were born when I started to take more notice of and care more about what I was putting on my skin and theirs, as it worried me that the chemicals used were finding their way into my bloodstream and we don’t know their long term effects. 

Vegetable soup

My “Chuck it all in” Vegetable Soup

This soup is brilliant for using up veg that you have in the cupboard or fridge that may be starting to go past its best.  It’s also great because it means that the kids will have quite a lot of their ‘five a day’ in one meal and because it’s smooth they don’t act suspicious about what’s in it.  In fact whenever I make it they ever moan and quite often ask for seconds.