cherry bakewell blondies

Cherry Bakewell Blondies

Bakewell tart was one of my favourite puddings as a child. I remember my Grandma always making one for me when we would go down and visit. One of Ethan’s favourite cakes to pick in the supermarket is a Cherry Bakewell. We both love that almond marzipan taste however I’m not a fan of glace cherries.

Wonder Berry Smoothie Bowl

Wonder Berry Smoothie Bowl with Erbology

I love smoothies and try and make one every day if I can. It’s a great way for me to get more fruit and vegetables into my diet as I’m not a fan of eating pieces of fruit especially in the winter months. Having them in a smoothie or smoothie bowl means that I can have multiple pieces of fruit with all of the juice and fibre as well as meaning that I am less likely to snack on unhealthier things. I would normally have a smoothie for an afternoon snack to keep me going until lunchtime or as dessert after lunch or dinner.

Vegan Sausage Pasta

Vegan Sausage Pasta with Richmond

If you’re looking for vegan comfort food, you’ve found the right recipe! This tomato and sausage pasta dish really satisfies my cravings for spaghetti with meatballs or Sardinian pasta shells with sausage ragu. Perfect for meat-free Monday or a totally vegan meal plan.

Booja Booja

10 Vegan Food Products That I Love

This is the second year that I have successfully completed Veganuary. I already eat a vegan breakfast every day and have done for about two years now. I wanted to do Veganuary again for both health and environmental reasons. We have been trying to cut down our meat consumption as a family and most of […]

Banana & Chocolate Bread

Banana & Chocolate Bread

Cake is my guilty pleasure, especially ones with chocolate in.  Emma Donogue said “If I was made of cake I’d eat myself before somebody else could” which I think could be quite true of myself! I love to feed my sweet tooth and so I love making things like brownies or blondies but I also love loaf cakes like my ginger loaf or a lemon drizzle.  I remember my mum making banana bread and me eating it with butter spread on.  I tend to try and go for healthy treats these days but that doesn’t mean I don’t have an extra thick slice.

Banana & Cashew Granola

Banana & Cashew Granola

There is some debate now as to whether breakfast is really the most important meal of the day.  What is important is what we choose to eat for breakfast. I can’t miss breakfast, I need some food and a drink to get me going in a morning. I’m not really a morning person and breakfast helps me to wake up and get started with the day, without it I wouldn’t have the energy for work, running around after the kids and for all the jobs in the house that always need doing. 

Pie Week at Pieminister

Pie Week at Pieminister

When you think of traditional British dishes, the pie should be high up on the list.  Originating in ancient Rome, the pie is a hearty meal when served with mashed potato or chips and some form of vegetable.  I have to admit that it’s something I don’t make often and when I do, I stick to the same recipe using up roast chicken leftovers so we were excited and interested to try something new at Pieminister in Nottingham City Centre.

Vegan Ginger Loaf

Vegan Ginger Loaf

I’ve got another new vegan recipe for you and this one is a lovely treat.  My absolute favourite mid morning snack is a cup of herbal tea and a slice of cake.  There’s nothing better than having a break, sitting on the sofa and enjoying a sweet treat. What if that sweet treat was good for you? I love gingerbread but it’s very heavy on the refined sugar and I wanted to reduce this and also make it gluten and dairy free. 

Chocolate Brownie Breakfast Bake

Chocolate Brownie Breakfast Bake

Chocolate for breakfast? Yes please! It probably won’t come as a surprise to you that we love our chocolate in this house. My Chocolate and Almond Granola is a staple and my boys, and in particular Ethan makes sure I make a batch every week.  As I’m taking part in Veganuary I was looking for some new breakfast recipes and thinking about how I could find some nutritious as well as quick and easy to make breakfasts now we’re back into the routine of school and work when mornings are rushed. 

Creamy Red Pesto Gnocchi

Creamy Red Pesto Gnocchi (Vegan)

This recipe came about from looking for a new and quick pasta sauce recipe to try during Veganuary and experimenting with different ingredients. The first time I made it, I put toasted pine nuts on to garnish and it tasted great.  Blending them in and adding the cream cheese has made this pesto even more delicious. It’s super quick and easy to make. You can have a meal on the table in ten minutes tops, which is so good for when you’re tired and don’t want to stand in the kitchen for hours on an evening.