Twins start school

Ethan & Oliver Start School September 2016

When I posted the boys first day of school photo on Instagram/Facebook I said it was the day that I had been avoiding thinking about, in fact I was quite in denial about the whole thing.  Well not totally because I had bought their uniform and I knew it was going to come around.  I just really wasn’t ready, even if the boys had been ready for quite a while.  Actually they had been asking me for a whole year if they had finished nursery yet since some of their friends went to school in September 2015. 

Coping Out & About with Twins in the Early Years

Having twins or multiples really is a unique experience.  This post is about finding my confidence as a new mum and feeling judged by others. So what is it like for me being a mum of twins and coping with going to the supermarket or for a tea and cake in town?  The most notable thing for me is the attention you get or should I say, the twins get.  People are so interested, which is great but sometimes it can be overwhelming when you’re trying to cope with two babies/toddlers/pre-schoolers, you just want to be left alone to get on with it and not be met with people’s constant need to ask questions or to make comments.